Systematic approach to develop and continuously improve individual competencies and capabilities is necessary for achieving the organisational objectives and goals effectively. Human resource in an organisation is the most crucial, vital and dynamic resource. Over the period, the Human Resource Management functions have undergone a significant change. Organisations including ICAR are attaching tremendous importance to the management and development of their employees. There is increasing recognition that the individual in an organisation is a key resource and should not be simply looked upon as a cost. There is always need to improve competency in terms of Skills, Knowledge and Attitude/Behaviour of the employees through appropriate training and development programmes from time to time. To manage their work efficiently and effectively, there is need to develop their technical abilities, human capacities as well as conceptual capabilities. Their education prepare them mostly with the technical work skills, however, it is on the job management training that lays a foundation of human and conceptual capacities. There is necessity to develop competency framework and the fundamental principle of it is that each job should be performed by a person who has the required competencies for that job. Continued technical and managerial development through periodic training is necessary to sharpen the saw from time to time to excel at the cutting edge of performance. An employee becomes more efficient and productive if he/she is trained well as per training needs and competency gaps which is fruitful to both the employer and the employees of the organization. In order to strengthen and facilitate training and capacity building of all categories of ICAR employees, the HRM Unit was created at ICAR Head-quarters in September, 2014 which is headed by Assistant Director General (Human Resource Management) i.e. Training Manager of ICAR.


  1. Overall coordination, monitoring, implementation and management of training needs and HR policies for the Council.
  2. Evaluate and advice on all strategic HR needs and requirements of the Council.